outfit others for adventures. To borrow gear, simply complete a Gear Request Form online. A team member will get back to you to find more specific details on what you are looking for and when it is needed. Generally, gear pick-up and returns are from our shed at the farm. We require a signed waiver that we provide, as well as a small deposit that is refunded when the gear is returned. We can have a team member meet you if there are specific questions about how to use the gear. We always recommend practicing with loaned gear ahead of time and contacting us immediately if there is any issue with it. As ambassadors of the outdoors, the co-creators of the gear closet, Jesse Tubb, Dan Frank, and myself, are also happy to try to answer questions you may have about outdoor activities. You may have seen us at various CFIN events, where we provided education on camping, orienteering, and how to dress for cold weather activities.
cross-country skiing are pretty reasonable and way less expensive than a day of downhill skiing! These parks also offer lodging in cabins accessible to the trail systems, though they tend to book up well in advance. You may be able to snag a cancellation for a weekend trip this season or consider booking in advance for next year!
way to try sleeping under the stars. We have several backpacks available if you want to try a few days on the trails. Typically, you do not need reservations for backpacking, but some parks require permits, so always research where you plan to backpack.
watercraft are allowed, and what permits are needed. While some people spend time on the water in the fall and spring, it is essential to know the formula for when extra/special gear is required to do this. The classic rule is the 120-degree rule. The Air temperature + Water Temperature should at least be 120 Fahrenheit before special gear such as wet/dry suits are needed. Finally, if your 2025 goals include organization and eliminating unused items, we also accept in-good-working-order gear for outdoor activities! AuthorKaryn Dulaney, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist who has practiced in outpatient orthopedics for almost 2 decades. She enjoys helping patients achieve their personal goals and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. An avid outdoor enthusiast and competitor/participant in various adventure sports, she is passionate about helping others explore outdoor activities for the mental and physical health benefits that come with them. Karyn co-founded the Community Gear Closet, which lends outdoor gear so others can have opportunities for their own outdoor adventures. |
AuthorSThe Community Ecology Institute co-authors the material on this blog with the support of several team members. Categories
February 2025