Community Ecology Institute - Participant Privacy Policy
The Community Ecology Institute (CEI) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. This privacy policy was created in order to demonstrate CEI’s firm commitment to the privacy of the people who engage with our organization through volunteerism, events, classes and programs. This policy explains what types of information is collected by CEI and how this information is used.
What Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is Collected
People that register to engage with CEI programming voluntarily provide us with contact information (such as name, address and email address). Our website does note your computer’s IP address to provide aggregate data about our website traffic (not identifying you personally, but showing how many visitors used which features, for example). You may always "opt out" of our newsletters, if you do not wish to receive our broad messages.
How Your PII Information May Be Used
We may use the information that you provide for specific, limited purposes, such as event or program specific communications or our CEI newsletters. Your personal information allows us to provide you with personalized service; to send e-mail updates to you; to answer your requests; to process your registration requests; thank you for your participation; etc.
Financial Information
CEI does not store credit card information. We utilize verified third party platforms to receive funds for CEI events, classes, and programs that have an associated cost.
Visual Information
CEI routinely takes photographs, and at times videos, during our community events and programs. For our programs that are specific to children, we include a specific photography agreement during the registration process, where the parent or guardian can opt out of photographs being taken of their family members. If you have not been asked to sign a photo release, you should assume that images may be taken of your participation in CEI’s events that will be used for our general communications (website, newsletters, social media, etc.). If you are not comfortable with this, please reach out to [email protected] (or via your specific engagement registration) to ask that you not be photographed.
Information Privacy is a Priority
CEI does not provide, sell, or rent any of your personally identifiable information to anyone outside the organization. Only CEI staff and board members who have signed confidentiality agreements have access to your information
The Community Ecology Institute (CEI) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. This privacy policy was created in order to demonstrate CEI’s firm commitment to the privacy of the people who engage with our organization through volunteerism, events, classes and programs. This policy explains what types of information is collected by CEI and how this information is used.
What Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is Collected
People that register to engage with CEI programming voluntarily provide us with contact information (such as name, address and email address). Our website does note your computer’s IP address to provide aggregate data about our website traffic (not identifying you personally, but showing how many visitors used which features, for example). You may always "opt out" of our newsletters, if you do not wish to receive our broad messages.
How Your PII Information May Be Used
We may use the information that you provide for specific, limited purposes, such as event or program specific communications or our CEI newsletters. Your personal information allows us to provide you with personalized service; to send e-mail updates to you; to answer your requests; to process your registration requests; thank you for your participation; etc.
Financial Information
CEI does not store credit card information. We utilize verified third party platforms to receive funds for CEI events, classes, and programs that have an associated cost.
Visual Information
CEI routinely takes photographs, and at times videos, during our community events and programs. For our programs that are specific to children, we include a specific photography agreement during the registration process, where the parent or guardian can opt out of photographs being taken of their family members. If you have not been asked to sign a photo release, you should assume that images may be taken of your participation in CEI’s events that will be used for our general communications (website, newsletters, social media, etc.). If you are not comfortable with this, please reach out to [email protected] (or via your specific engagement registration) to ask that you not be photographed.
Information Privacy is a Priority
CEI does not provide, sell, or rent any of your personally identifiable information to anyone outside the organization. Only CEI staff and board members who have signed confidentiality agreements have access to your information